51 Downing Street, Smethwick, Birmingham B66 2PP

MiGlass adopts the “French touch”

MiGlass adopts the “French touch”

2015 has been a busy year for MiGlass with new machinery and processes been added all the time.

The growing UK based specialist glass company is developing and exploring a number of new and existing markets… How?

By partnering up with French University, Jules LESVEN. The company’s new key addition is the arrival of Laura Daviou, 18, a French undergraduate who is taking part in an exchange program.

Laura will initially be spending two months working in the Commercial Department and, specifically, will be responsible for our marketing and new sector development. She is, as you would expect, highly motivated and ready to gain some valuable commercial knowledge and, of course, improve her English.

Her role will also include contacting French speaking prospects to further promote MiGlass’s growing export market.

The company’s future will greatly be helped by Laura’s success in forging new links with overseas markets and prospective UK customers.

Alan Taylor, MiGlass MD, says, “It is a brilliant opportunity to work with an overseas college and further reinforce our European credentials and will be invaluable in the further building of our brand. For Laura, it is her first taste of living and working in the UK and she has performed admirably.

MiGlass staff members from L-R: Craig Goode, Peter Dymek, Alan Taylor, Laura Daviou, Edward Blunt, Tom Singleton and James Blunt

MiGlass staff members from L-R: Craig Goode, Peter Dymek, Alan Taylor, Laura Daviou, Edward Blunt, Tom Singleton and James Blunt

MiGlass is a Midland-based glass processor, specialising in glass decoration and high volume niche production for markets that include Partitioning, Interior Retail, Lighting panels, Food Display, Street Furniture and Balustrading.

Please contact us on +44 121 565 6500 tel and/or +44 121 565 6501 fax. Alternatively you can email us at enquire@miglass.com or cgoode@miglass.com.